TUCP Urges Congress to Act on Anti-Endo and Wage Hike Bills

QUEZON CITY — The Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) is pushing for Congress to initiate deliberations on critical legislation aimed at ending labor contractualization and instituting a PHP150 daily minimum wage increase across the board.

According to the Philippines News Agency, during a news forum held on Saturday in Quezon City, TUCP legislative officer Carlo Oñate expressed the union’s expectation for prompt congressional hearings on both matters. He emphasized that ending the practice known as “endo”—a shorthand for “end of contract,” which often prevents workers from achieving regular employment status—is crucial for enabling workers to organize and engage in collective bargaining for better wages.

Oñate highlighted the detrimental impact of endo practices, where workers are employed temporarily for less than six months and dismissed before they can gain regular status, a tactic used by some companies to circumvent labor laws and deny benefits associated with permanent employment. He also reiterated the importance of the proposed PHP150 wage increase, arguing that higher wages would not only enhance worker productivity but also lead to greater overall economic activity, benefiting both workers and businesses.

The Security of Tenure Act, aimed at abolishing labor contractualization, was previously vetoed in July 2019 by then-President Rodrigo Duterte, amidst opposition from labor groups who felt the measures were inadequate. Meanwhile, the proposal for a PHP150 wage increase remains pending in the House of Representatives, even as the Senate passed a version of the bill proposing a PHP100 increase in February of this year.

Oñate is optimistic about the House’s action, noting that previous hearings have included extensive stakeholder input and that the leadership has indicated the legislation is still under active consideration. He is now calling for a fourth hearing to resolve and vote on the wage increase proposal officially.