(EDITORIAL from Korea Herald on June 19)

The Yoon Suk Yeol administration is now seeking to revise laws on property and inheritance taxes as part of efforts to lessen the tax burden on the public and companies, a policy direction that will meet the demands of many taxpayers, but there are concerns as to whether these policies are really needed given measures already taken.

Sung Tae-yoon, director of national policy at the presidential office, appeared on a TV program Sunday where he stressed there was a need to overhaul or abolish the controversial comprehensive real estate holding tax and to lower the maximum rate for the inheritance tax to around 30 percent, down from the current 50 percent.

Sung said the government is considering whether to exempt comprehensive real estate holding tax from all but the owners of a single home of very high value or multiple homes whose combined value is deemed exceptionally high.

“Since the average inheritance tax rate of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries is estimated at about 2
6 percent, the government holds the view that a reduction to around 30 percent is needed,” Sung said.

It marked the first time that a government official has offered a specific number for the possible inheritance tax rate cut.

Sung also said the integration of the comprehensive real estate holding tax into the universal property tax and the reconfiguration of the inheritance tax into the inheritance acquisition tax would be studied as long-term policy projects.

The current estate tax system is based on the total amount of assets left by the deceased, while the inheritance acquisition tax reflects the value of the property inherited by each inheritor — a method that reduces the tax burden.

The government’s move came as the public and companies have long complained about the high tax burden linked to both the comprehensive real estate holding tax and the inheritance tax.

The comprehensive real estate holding tax, introduced in 2005, has been a political hot-button issue. The tax was supposed to affect onl
y a small percentage of the wealthy with high-value property ownership — or 2 percent suggested by the previous Moon Jae-jin administration. The percentage, however, had surged in line with the rising property prices in the past decades.

The number of those who had to pay comprehensive real estate holding tax was 460,000 in 2018, but it rose steadily to reach 12.8 million in 2022. And the figure plunged back to 480,000 in 2023, as the Yoon administration softened the related property tax system and the official assessment prices of houses slumped. Experts say that this drastic change in the number of those who have to pay the additional “punitive” tax on top of regular property tax illustrates the underlying problem linked to arbitrary or outdated standards for the target taxpayers.

In recent weeks, some of the members of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea began to talk about overhauling the tax, a sign that might raise the chance in favor of a revision at the National Assembly.

Meanwhile, crit
ics claim that the comprehensive real estate holding tax has already been softened with the narrow taxpayer target introduced by the Yoon administration last year. Local governments also claim the additional property tax should be maintained to help shore up their shaky budgets. And the actual inheritance tax rate, when excluding the superrich whose inheritance value exceeded 50 billion won ($36 million), stood at 28.9 percent in 2022, far lower than the nominal rate — a level that does not require an additional reduction.

Given the multiple factors and potential side effects, the government must analyze the long-term impact of its new policy on property and inheritance taxes, especially as to whether it can strike a balance between overburdening the public and offering more tax benefits only to the wealthy.

Source: Yonhap News Agency

62K-has. Caraga farmlands benefit from DA P2.3-B farm-to-market roads

BUTUAN CITY: At least 62,740 farmlands in the Caraga Region now have access to major markets following the completion of 108.5 kilometers of farm-to-market roads (FMRs) by the regional Department of Agriculture (DA-13) office under the administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.

‘The strengthening of the effective logistics system is among the nine-point agenda being advocated by the agency to ensure the sage and fast movements of agricultural commodities in the region,’ DA-13 Regional Executive Director Arlan Mangelen said during the Kapihan sa Bagong Pilipinas here on Tuesday.

Mangelen provided updates on the administration’s accomplishments in the areas of expansion and improvement of aid initiatives for farmers, increased production, modernization, and access to government programs and financial institutions.

Under the government’s agricultural modernization programs, which include improving the post-harvest system and infrastructure, DA-13 handed over to 119 farmers’ groups in the region some
PHP263.8 million worth of farm machinery and equipment from July 2022 to May this year.

The agency also completed a separate PHP129.7 million worth of modern production facilities.

‘The production support services were also strengthened by the agency in the region to ensure the increase of production among our farmers,’ Mangelen said.

In the same period, the agency released PHP1.38 billion worth of seeds, planting materials, fertilizers, and other farm inputs.

At least 177,890 farmers’ associations and cooperatives in the region directly benefited from the agency’s production support services.

Source: Philippines News Agency

62K-has. Caraga farmlands benefit from DA P2.3-B farm-to-market roads

BUTUAN CITY: At least 62,740 farmlands in the Caraga Region now have access to major markets following the completion of 108.5 kilometers of farm-to-market roads (FMRs) by the regional Department of Agriculture (DA-13) office under the administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.

‘The strengthening of the effective logistics system is among the nine-point agenda being advocated by the agency to ensure the sage and fast movements of agricultural commodities in the region,’ DA-13 Regional Executive Director Arlan Mangelen said during the Kapihan sa Bagong Pilipinas here on Tuesday.

Mangelen provided updates on the administration’s accomplishments in the areas of expansion and improvement of aid initiatives for farmers, increased production, modernization, and access to government programs and financial institutions.

Under the government’s agricultural modernization programs, which include improving the post-harvest system and infrastructure, DA-13 handed over to 119 farmers’ groups in the region some
PHP263.8 million worth of farm machinery and equipment from July 2022 to May this year.

The agency also completed a separate PHP129.7 million worth of modern production facilities.

‘The production support services were also strengthened by the agency in the region to ensure the increase of production among our farmers,’ Mangelen said.

In the same period, the agency released PHP1.38 billion worth of seeds, planting materials, fertilizers, and other farm inputs.

At least 177,890 farmers’ associations and cooperatives in the region directly benefited from the agency’s production support services.

Source: Philippines News Agency

Putin arrives in North Korea for 1st official visit in 24 years

ISTANBUL: Russian President Vladimir Putin landed in North Korea’s capital Pyongyang on Tuesday for his first visit to the nation in 24 years, the Kremlin said.

The Russian president was invited by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who “personally met Vladimir Putin at the airport in Pyongyang,” the Kremlin said in a statement.

After exchanging greetings, the two leaders departed from the airport in the same car, it added.

Yury Ushakov, an aide to Putin, had told reporters Monday that the visit would last two days, with the main events taking place on the second day.

An official welcoming ceremony followed by talks is expected to take place at Kim’s residence later on Wednesday, according to Ushakov.

Talks are to be held in two rounds – in both limited and extended formats – with the two leaders to address the most significant and sensitive issues in a special informal conversation while walking around Kim’s residence.

Russia and North Korea plan to sign several documents after the talks, with a joint st
atement expected from Putin and Kim, Ushakov said.

Ceremonial events are also to take place, including a visit to a monument dedicated to soldiers of the Red Army who died while fighting Japanese forces in Korea during World War II, along with a concert.

Putin and Kim are to travel together back to the airport after a formal state reception with speeches exchanged by both leaders.

On the way, they will stop by the only Orthodox church in North Korea, the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity.

The last time Putin visited North Korea was in 2000 when the country was still under the leadership of Kim Jong Il, father of current leader Kim Jong Un.

Source: Philippines News Agency

Putin arrives in North Korea for 1st official visit in 24 years

ISTANBUL: Russian President Vladimir Putin landed in North Korea’s capital Pyongyang on Tuesday for his first visit to the nation in 24 years, the Kremlin said.

The Russian president was invited by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who “personally met Vladimir Putin at the airport in Pyongyang,” the Kremlin said in a statement.

After exchanging greetings, the two leaders departed from the airport in the same car, it added.

Yury Ushakov, an aide to Putin, had told reporters Monday that the visit would last two days, with the main events taking place on the second day.

An official welcoming ceremony followed by talks is expected to take place at Kim’s residence later on Wednesday, according to Ushakov.

Talks are to be held in two rounds – in both limited and extended formats – with the two leaders to address the most significant and sensitive issues in a special informal conversation while walking around Kim’s residence.

Russia and North Korea plan to sign several documents after the talks, with a joint st
atement expected from Putin and Kim, Ushakov said.

Ceremonial events are also to take place, including a visit to a monument dedicated to soldiers of the Red Army who died while fighting Japanese forces in Korea during World War II, along with a concert.

Putin and Kim are to travel together back to the airport after a formal state reception with speeches exchanged by both leaders.

On the way, they will stop by the only Orthodox church in North Korea, the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity.

The last time Putin visited North Korea was in 2000 when the country was still under the leadership of Kim Jong Il, father of current leader Kim Jong Un.

Source: Philippines News Agency

DBM green lights DOH’s purchase of 141 medical vehicles

MANILA: The country’s healthcare system response capabilities will get a shot in the arm as the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has approved the request of the Department of Health (DOH) to purchase 141 units of medical vehicles.

Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman has approved the Authority to Purchase Motor Vehicles (APMV) amounting to PHP387 million on June 11, the DBM said in a statement Wednesday.

The motor vehicles to be purchased include land and sea ambulances, as well as passenger vans for patient transport.

The acquisition is part of the Health Facilities Enhancement Program (HFEP), which aims to address gaps in healthcare delivery and make facilities and services more accessible.

‘Improving the responsiveness of our healthcare system is crucial to ensuring timely and effective medical care for everyone, particularly in underserved and geographically isolated areas,’ Pangandaman said.

‘The HFEP aligns with President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s commitment to providing efficient health se
rvices for all Filipinos,’ she added.

Source: Philippines News Agency