Eastern Samar students invent sickle cell detection for remote areas

TACLOBAN CITY: Students from Eastern Samar State University (ESSU) developed a ‘Sickle Cell Detection Device’ that will allow access to residents in remote areas of this blood disease detection service.

Student inventors Aubrey Balangay and Christian Casaba, both junior computer engineering students from the ESSU main campus in Borongan City, Eastern Samar, said on Thursday that they designed the technology to identify accurately the sickle cells from blood smears.

‘This is intended for the remote areas to detect sickle cells because most remote areas cannot access hospital care. They have no means to acquire an immediate blood test,’ Balangay said in an interview on Thursday.

The technology is among the exhibits during the 2024 Eastern Visayas Regional Science, Technology, and Innovation Week on June 25-27 at the People’s Center Library here.

Casaba said that among the interesting features of the sickle cell detection device is its ability to securely store data and transfer images to save and access res

‘This can store images using cloud storage. This can also allow the use of flash drives for transfers to save the results and images. This system will automatically identify sickle cells from blood smear images of patients. This can detect how many sickle cells we have,’ he said.

Currently, the device is still for filing. The researchers are hopeful that, through exhibits, they will be able to solicit funding support for the patent application of this technology.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said sickle cell disease is a major genetic disease that affects many countries. In sickle cell disease, the normal round shape of red blood cells becomes like crescent moons.

Round red blood cells can move easily through the blood vessels, but sickled-shaped cells interconnect and can result in blood clots.

The blood clots, according to WHO, can cause extreme pain in the back, chest, hands, and feet. The disrupted blood flow can also cause damage to bones, muscles, and organs. People with sickle cell di
sease often feel weak, tired, and pale. The whites of the eyes and skin often have a yellowish tint.

Source: Philippines News Agency

PBBM to announce new DepEd chief before end-June

MANILA: President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday said he would announce by the end of the week the replacement of Vice President Sara Duterte as Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary.

Marcos, in a media interview, said the Education department is arguably the most important government agency and should not be left without a head.

‘We have to carry on and the Department of Education is, possibly, arguably the most important department. Because education is that important. So no matter the change of leadership within the department, we still have to carry on,’ Marcos told Palace reporters.

‘So we are now, I will probably be able to, I would like to be able to announce the appointment of the DepEd Secretary by the end of the week. We cannot leave it open. We cannot just leave it like that nakatiwangwang lang na walang (vacant without a) secretary,’ he said.

Duterte resigned as DepEd Secretary and vice chairperson of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) last week,
essentially leaving the Cabinet of the Marcos administration.

In her resignation letter, Duterte said she has prepared a 30-day plan to ensure the seamless transition of the DepEd.

The President said Duterte did not provide any reason for stepping down from the Cabinet.

‘She didn’t give any reason. I asked her, is there any particular reason why she has chosen to resign from the Department of Education and the NTF-ELCAC. And she said, ‘Wag na lang nating pag-usapan’, so I did not force the issue,’ he said.

UniTeam’s fate

Marcos and Duterte ran and won under the UniTeam Coalition during the 2022 elections.

When asked if there is still a UniTeam, Marcos said it is up to Duterte.

‘Depende lang kung ano position ni Inday Sara pagdating sa election. Siya ba ay nasa administrasyon o siya ba ay nasa oposisyon? That will be the only major determinant. But as the parties involved, pareho pa rin ang UniTeam, hindi pa nagbago (It depends on Inday Sara’s position when the election comes. Is she in the administrati
on or is she in the opposition? That will be the only major determinant. But as the parties involved, the UniTeam is still the same, it hasn’t changed,)’ he said.

Hope for next DepEd chief

A group of Catholic schools, meanwhile, hopes the next DepEd secretary will promote the welfare of both public and private educational institutions.

In an interview with Church-run Radio Veritas on Thursday, Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP) president Fr. Albert Delvo said Duterte’s successor must have the vision to jointly address the problems of the education sector and boost its growth.

Delvo also recognized Duterte’s efforts in working closely with various sectors during her tenure.

“We respect VP Sara Duterte’s decision to resign from her position as DepEd secretary. Resignation is an option for employees, including elected and appointed public officials, during her tenure as DepEd Secretary, she conducted periodic consultations with Private Education leaders such as COCOPEA (Coordinating
Council of Private Educational Associations of the Philippines), CEAP and MaPSA (Manila Ecclesiastical Province School Systems Association). We appreciate this effort,” he said.

Delvo, meanwhile, wished Duterte the best in the discharge of her duties as the country’s second highest official.

Source: Philippines News Agency

Search for outstanding volunteers to promote ‘bayanihan’ spirit

MANILA: The Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA) on Thursday launched the Search for Outstanding Volunteers (SOV) for this year to promote the bayanihan (cooperation) spirit.

The SOV is an annual event that seeks to honor individuals and groups from different parts of the country who have made outstanding contributions to their communities and the country through volunteerism.

In his speech at the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) auditorium, PNVSCA Executive Director Donald James Gawe emphasized that deeds of volunteerism contribute to nation-building and national development as some have already addressed certain health and education problems among others in the past.

The SOV has five categories – individual (for youth and adult); organization (corporate and non-profit); volunteer lifetime achievement award; special award for local government units; and special award for higher education institution.

Anyone can nominate institutions, organizations or volunteers who they t
hink qualify for the award.

‘Ang tatlong elemento ng volunteerism ay kusa, kabayaran ay hindi hangad, at kapwa. (The three elements of volunteerism are initiative, no desire for payment, and other people),’ he said.

‘Ang mga bagay na hinahanap hindi lamang sa kanilang volunteering work, kung hindi sa kanilang character, sa kanilang pagkatao, nakikita mo na kanilang naisasabuhay ang (The things we look for, not only about their volunteer work, but also their character, their personality, they live the essence of) volunteerism and ability to promote volunteerism,’ he added.

Meanwhile, PIA Director General Jose Torres Jr. said the members of the media who promote stories about volunteerism will also be recognized.

‘This has different categories, there’s radio, television, print, and online. Yes, we confirm, and PIA spearheads the search for media organizations and Individuals to be given awards for their support and effort to create unique stories about volunteerism,’ he said.

Apart from honoring volunteers
, the SOV aims to promote life-long solutions to societal issues through volunteerism.

To date, the PNVSCA has honored more than 200 volunteers since 2001.

The PNVSCA will accept nominations until Aug. 27. Those who are interested may visit PNVSCA’s website for updates.

The National Economic and Development Authority and the Civil Service Commission support the PNVSCA in celebrating the dedication and impact of volunteers, both individuals and organizations, serving the communities.

Source: Philippines News Agency

2 killed, 40 hurt as train derails in Russia

MOSCOW: Two people were killed and 40 others injured when a passenger train derailed in the Russian northern region of Komi, the Russian Railways company said on Thursday.

Two bodies were found at the site of the derailment of the Vorkuta-Novorossiysk passenger train, the company said in a statement on Telegram.

The Russian Health Ministry said 40 people sustained injuries in the accident, seven of them critically.

Initially, the Russian Railways reported 70 injuries, however, most of them turned out to be bruises and cuts.

The train had 14 cars, out of which nine were overturned. The Russian Railways said there were a total of 232 people on the train.

The exact cause of the accident remains unclear, but it may have been triggered by heavy rainfall washing away the railway embankment.

Source: Philippines News Agency

Timor-Leste court grants PH extradition request vs. Teves

MANILA: The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Thursday confirmed that the Court of Appeals of Timor-Leste granted the Philippines’ extradition request against former congressman Arnolfo Teves Jr.

‘The Department of Justice confirms the grant of the extradition request made by the Philippine government. The information was relayed to us by the Attorney-General of Timor -Leste. We have won,’ the DOJ said in a statement.

‘We look forward to the arrival of Mr. Teves so that he may finally face the charges against him in our local courts,’ it added.

Teves is facing 10 counts of murder, 12 counts of frustrated murder and four counts of attempted murder before the Manila Regional Trial Court Branch 51 in relation to the March 4, 2023 shootings in Pamplona, Negros Oriental.

Degamo’s widow, Pamplona Mayor Janice Degamo, said she experienced “overwhelming emotions” after learning that Teves will be returned to the Philippines.

“My fight for justice has been a truly harrowing experience, with constant threats on my li
fe by members of the Teves Terrorist Group, horrific online attacks from TTG trolls and continual sleepless nights grieving the memory of Roel,” she posted on Facebook. “But it was the memory of Roel and his undying love for his fellow NegOrenses that keeps pushing me to fight. I will not be silent as the men who murdered my husband continue to terrorize our province.”

Teves fled to Dili, Timor-Leste and applied for political asylum.

Last March, he was arrested while playing golf.

Early this month, he was released from Becora Prison but was re-arrested and transferred to the PolĂ­cia Nacional of Timor-Leste.

In August last year, the Anti-Terrorism Council designated Teves and his brother, former Negros Oriental governor Pryde Henry Teves, as terrorists over their alleged involvement in several murder incidents and harassment in the province in the past years when they were still in public office.

Source: Philippines News Agency

Monetary Board keeps policy rates

MANILA: The Monetary Board (MB) has remained on guard as it kept key policy rates despite expecting inflation to ease by the second semester of the year.

Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Governor Eli Remolona Jr. said Thursday the MB decided to retain the overnight reverse repurchase (RRP) facility interest rate at 6.5 percent, while overnight deposit and lending facilities were kept at 6 and 7 percent, respectively.

Remolona said the MB anticipates price pressures to soften starting the second half of 2024 as an effect of Executive Order 62 that lowers tariff for imported rice and Administrative Order 20 that eases the importation process for agricultural products.

‘Inflation is moving closer to the midpoint of the 2 to 4 percent target range. The risk-adjusted inflation forecasts have eased to 3.1 percent for both 2024 and 2025 from 3.8 percent and from 3.7 percent, respectively. Based on the BSP’s latest survey of market forecasters, inflation expectations remain well-anchored,’ he said.

However, the
central bank chief said higher prices of food items other than rice, transport charges, and electricity rates continue to pose upside risks to inflation.

He added uncertainties in the global market call for some caution against potential spillovers, including those in the financial markets.

‘On balance, the Monetary Board deems it appropriate to hold monetary policy settings steady at this time,’ Remolona said.

Aside from the ‘well-anchored’ inflation, the BSP chief said the prospects of gross domestic product (GDP) growth remain in line with the medium-term trends due to favorable labor market conditions and strong net exports.

‘Looking ahead, the BSP will ensure that monetary policy settings remain in line with its primary mandate to safeguard price stability conducive to sustainable economic growth,’ Remolona said.

Source: Philippines News Agency