AI Will Not Replace Natural Communication, BTA Director Says

ISTANBUL – Artificial intelligence (AI) may assist journalists in performing their tasks, but it cannot replace the natural communication between people, BTA Director General Kiril Valchev said at a conference on “Navigating the AI and Media,” organized by the Association of Balkan News Agencies-Southeast Europe (ABNA-SE) in Istanbul on Wednesday. Valchev emphasized that while AI can aid in processing large datasets, human emotions and interactions are irreplaceable in the Balkans.

According to Philippines News Agency, AI could help journalists manage their workload, especially when dealing with vast amounts of information. However, he stressed that AI is limited to pre-existing knowledge and cannot cover live events. “New technologies can only complement journalists, not replace them,” he said.

Valchev outlined several ways AI could assist the media. For instance, AI could help sift through large volumes of news to highlight important stories, facilitate the exchange of news articles between agencies in different languages, and combine various formats for reporting, such as text, video, and infographics. AI can also enhance media outlets’ presence on social platforms, helping to reach younger audiences.

However, Valchev urged news agencies to prioritize training their staff in AI tools and techniques. “Before we develop AI, we need to develop natural human intelligence,” he said, underlining the need for a balance between technology and human creativity.

The conference was attended by Türkiye’s Minister of Industry and Technology, Mehmet Fatih Kacir, and Serdar Karagoz, head of ABNA-SE and Anadolu Agency Director General. ABNA-SE is registered as a non-profit association for private-benefit activities under Bulgarian law.