
Bill to Boost Internet Access in Remote Philippine Regions Through SpaceX’s Starlink

MANILA: KABAYAN Party-list Representative Ron Salo renewed efforts on Tuesday to push through legislation that would grant a legislative franchise to Elon Musk’s Starlink Philippines, Inc., aimed at significantly enhancing internet connectivity across the country, especially in remote areas.

According to Philippines News Agency, Rep. Salo emphasized the critical need for improved internet services in the Philippines, highlighting the country’s position as one of the top internet users globally despite suffering from some of the slowest and least reliable connections in Southeast Asia. The proposed House of Representatives Bill (HB) 10954, filed on September 23, seeks to authorize Starlink Philippines to build ground stations and other necessary infrastructure to support its satellite internet services.

This legislative initiative promises to leverage Starlink’s advanced satellite technology to deliver fast and affordable internet services, particularly targeting rural and isolated communities where connecti
vity is desperately needed. The bill, if passed, would permit Starlink to establish and operate comprehensive telecommunications systems, including the maintenance of essential infrastructure.

Rep. Salo also pointed out that the bill mandates reasonable pricing for these underserved areas and establishes guidelines to ensure that Starlink adheres to stringent data privacy standards as per the Data Privacy Act of 2012. The Philippines currently ranks 86th out of 220 countries in the Worldwide Broadband Speed League, with an average download speed of just 43.36 Mbps, lagging significantly behind other Asian nations.

Connectivity remains a challenge across the Philippines, with only 56 percent of households having internet access. The figures drop drastically in regions like the Zamboanga Peninsula and the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, where connectivity rates are 28.5 percent and 30.1 percent, respectively.

The bill highlights the potential of Starlink’s network of low-Earth orbit satellit
es, which are well-suited to the Philippines’ archipelagic layout, to enhance broadband internet coverage that can support various high-demand online activities. Furthermore, the initiative aligns with national goals to create job opportunities and provide on-the-job training for Filipinos, fostering local employment and technological skill development.

Rep. Salo expressed optimism for the swift passage of the bill, underscoring its potential to democratize internet access across the Philippines and boost the country’s digital transformation efforts. Starlink Philippines has already been accredited as a Satellite Systems Provider and registered as a Value-Added Service Provider within the country.

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