Comelec Sets Raffle Date for Party-List Order on Official Ballot

Manila—The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has announced a scheduled raffle to determine the order in which party-list organizations will appear on the official ballot for the 2025 National and Local Elections, aiming to streamline the process and enhance electoral fairness.

According to Philippines News Agency, Comelec Resolution 11068, promulgated on Wednesday, stipulates that the raffle will take place at 9 a.m. on October 18, 2024, in the Chairman’s Hall at the Palacio del Gobernador Building in Intramuros, Manila. The event will also be broadcast live through the official streaming platform used by the Education and Information Department. This new approach follows the introduction of the raffle system in 2013, which was adopted to avoid alphabetical or numerical biases in the listing of party names on the ballot.

All existing and newly registered party-list groups, organizations, or coalitions are eligible to participate in the electronic raffle, overseen by the Clerk of the Commission. Prior to the raffle, Comelec will display all equipment, software, and components to be used, ensuring transparency. After randomization, the final list of party-list positions will be printed, with no appeals or motions for re-raffle allowed.

In a related development, the Comelec has proclaimed the Akbayan Citizens Action Party (Akbayan) as a winner in the 2022 party-list elections. Percival V. Cendaña, the first nominee of Akbayan, was officially proclaimed by the National Board of Canvassers to serve as a member of the 19th Congress. Comelec Chairman George Garcia confirmed that the newly proclaimed representative would assume office immediately, highlighting the timely importance of his inclusion before the congressional session resumes in November.

The proclamation of Akbayan followed a Supreme Court decision that upheld a previous Comelec ruling to cancel the registration of An Waray as a party-list organization, further demonstrating the evolving dynamics and regulatory oversight within the Philippine electoral system.