DOLE-CAR Provides Livelihood Support to 44 Former Rebels in Ifugao

IFUGAO – The Department of Labor and Employment in the Cordillera Administrative Region (DOLE-CAR) has granted PHP1.32 million in livelihood assistance to 44 former rebels in Tinoc, Ifugao, as part of a comprehensive government initiative aimed at reintegrating them into society.

According to Philippines News Agency, DOLE-CAR Regional Director Nathaniel Lacambra announced the release of the funds on Tuesday to the local government of Tinoc. This financial aid, amounting to PHP30,000 per individual, will be used to purchase start-up supplies for the former rebels’ chosen livelihood projects. “Each of the former rebel received PHP30,000 each livelihood aid from the government. The money will be used to purchase start-up items for their choice of livelihood,” Lacambra said in a phone interview.

The support is part of the broader Ending Local Communist Armed Conflict (ELCAC) program, which involves multiple government agencies working together to facilitate the reintegration of former rebels. “It is not just the DOLE that provides the assistance. This is a whole-of-government, whole-of-nation approach. Everybody (is) providing funds, support, and programs to ensure a better and peaceful life for the former rebels together with their families,” added Lacambra.

The program also included a symbolic event led by Police Regional Office-CAR Director David Peredo, where former rebels formally renounced their ties to the communist terrorist group (CTG). “The burning of the CTG banner symbolizes their complete renunciation of the armed struggle, and the signing and recitation of the oath of support to the government reaffirms their loyalty and commitment to the government and its programs to attain lasting peace for the community,” Peredo stated.

In addition to livelihood assistance, the ongoing support for the former rebels will include deradicalization processes, housing, firearm remuneration, and educational and skills training opportunities for them and their children.