North Korea Condemns U.S. Nuclear Strategy, Pledges to Expand Nuclear Arsenal

PYONGYANG — North Korea has vocally criticized the United States’ recently revised nuclear strategy, declaring an intensification of its own nuclear capabilities in response. This announcement follows a report on the U.S. strategy adjustment which primarily addresses rising nuclear threats from China and potential coordination among North Korea, China, and Russia.

According to Yonhap News Agency, by a spokesperson from North Korea’s foreign ministry and broadcast by the Korea Central News Agency, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) plans to enhance its strategic strength to address and neutralize any security challenges emerging from the U.S.’s adjustments in its nuclear stance. “The DPRK will as ever bolster up its strategic strength in every way to control and eliminate all sorts of security challenges that may result from the U.S. dangerous nuclear posture readjustment, and resolutely counter any type of nuclear threat,” the spokesperson stated.

The controversy stems from the U.S. President Joe Biden’s approval in March of a revised “Nuclear Employment Guidance,” aimed at addressing the nuclear and missile threats from North Korea, the rapid expansion of China’s nuclear arsenal, and Russia’s aggressive nuclear posturing. This strategic pivot by the U.S. is seen as a direct response to the complex geopolitical dynamics involving the DPRK, China, and Russia, particularly amidst Russia’s deepening isolation due to its ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The North’s announcement also highlights recent demonstrations of its expanding military capabilities, including tests of a new nuclear-capable underwater attack drone, termed the Haeil-2, which was showcased on North Korean television earlier this year. Moreover, increasing strategic partnerships between Russia and North Korea, including a “comprehensive strategic partnership” treaty signed in June, further complicate the international landscape.

The North Korean spokesperson reiterated the country’s commitment to advancing its nuclear force on a fixed timetable, despite U.S. characterizations of the DPRK as a ‘nuclear threat.’ “No matter how desperately the U.S. may exaggerate the ‘nuclear threat’ from other countries, the DPRK will push forward the building of nuclear force sufficient and reliable enough to firmly defend the sovereignty and security interests of the country,” they affirmed.