
Political Broker Allegedly Manipulated Polls to Favor South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol

Seoul: A political scandal is unfolding in South Korea as Myung Tae-kyun, a self-described “political broker,” is accused of manipulating opinion poll results to favor President Yoon Suk Yeol during the primary of the People Power Party (PPP). The controversy also touches on the alleged role of the first lady, Kim Keon Hee, in the party’s nomination processes during the last parliamentary elections.

According to Yonhap News Agency, leaked Kakao chat transcripts reveal Myung instructed an employee at his survey firm to artificially increase support for Yoon by two to three points on September 29, 2021. This manipulation aimed to enhance Yoon’s appeal among younger voters and boost his competitiveness against Hong Joon-pyo, the current mayor of Daegu, in the lead-up to the PPP’s national convention. The transcripts show Myung directing changes in how survey responses were weighted to skew the results in Yoon’s favor.

The issue extends beyond the manipulation of poll data. It was disclosed that although the ma
nipulated poll results were not intended for public release or reporting to the National Election Commission, Myung planned to use them to influence perceptions within the PPP to create a bandwagon effect for Yoon. This act breaches the Public Official Election Act, leading to calls for a thorough investigation by the prosecution and legislative action against such deceptive practices in political polling.

Adding to the complexity of the scandal, Myung has begun threatening to release further damaging communications, including chats with the first lady, in which she refers to an “immature person,” sparking widespread speculation and concern in political circles. Despite these threats and the growing controversy, responses from both the presidential office and the PPP have been notably restrained, with insiders suggesting that only Yoon and his wife are fully aware of the details of these allegations.

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