South Korean Court Orders Mitsubishi Materials to Compensate Wartime Forced Labor Victims

SEOUL — In a significant legal ruling, the Seoul Central District Court on Friday mandated that Mitsubishi Materials Corp. pay reparations to five South Koreans who were subjected to forced labor during wartime by Japan.

According to Philippines News Agency, Mitsubishi Materials is to pay approximately 27 million won (USD 20,200) to one victim, identified only by the surname Heo, and 18 million won (USD 13,400) each to four other victims. This ruling adds to a series of decisions by South Korean courts that have favored victims or their families in similar cases, following the Supreme Court’s 2018 affirmation of the need for compensation from Japanese firms for wartime atrocities.

These rulings are part of a broader, ongoing legal effort in South Korea to address historical injustices relating to forced labor during Japanese rule, particularly during World War II. This latest court decision emphasizes the continuing impact of these historical issues on relations between South Korea and Japan.