South Korea’s New Defense Minister Issues Stark Warning to North Korea

SEOUL — In a forceful declaration during his inauguration, South Korea’s new Defense Minister, Kim Yong-hyun, stated on Friday that any provocations by North Korea could lead to the regime’s downfall. This statement underscores a significant hardening in Seoul’s defense posture against its northern neighbor.

According to Yonhap News Agency, Minister Kim, who previously led the Presidential Security Service, made these remarks shortly after President Yoon Suk Yeol confirmed his appointment. He emphasized the establishment of an “overwhelming” defense posture to deter North Korean threats effectively. “In order to ensure the enemy does not dare to carry out a provocation, we will establish an overwhelming defense posture and capabilities,” Kim stated, outlining his strategic vision for national defense.

Kim further warned that any hostile actions by North Korea would be met with immediate and severe consequences. “In the event of a provocation, we will make them pay a terrible price under the principle of punishing immediately, strongly, and until the end,” he declared. “If they carry out a provocation, they will face the end of their regime.”

During a subsequent teleconference with top military officials, Kim called for heightened surveillance of North Korea around the clock and stressed the importance of being prepared to respond swiftly to any contingencies. He also highlighted the need for improving the working conditions and welfare of South Korean service members.

The new defense chief, a retired three-star Army general, is known for his firm stance against North Korea, a position that has become increasingly pertinent as North Korea escalates its provocations, including sending thousands of trash-carrying balloons into South Korean territory and launching multiple ballistic missiles this year.