South Korea’s New Defense Minister Issues Stern Warning to North Korea

SEOUL — In a bold statement during his inauguration on Friday, South Korea’s new Defense Minister, Kim Yong-hyun, issued a stern warning to North Korea, stating that any provocations would lead to the end of its regime. This declaration underscores a significant shift in South Korea’s defense posture under the new leadership.

According to Yonhap News Agency, Minister Kim, appointed earlier in the day by President Yoon Suk Yeol, emphasized the necessity of building an “overwhelming” defense capability to prevent any aggressive actions from the North. “In order to ensure the enemy does not dare to carry out a provocation, we will establish an overwhelming defense posture and capabilities to deter the enemy’s provocations,” Kim asserted during his speech.

Kim, a retired three-star Army general and former head of the Presidential Security Service, is known for his firm stance against North Korea. He succeeds Shin Won-sik, who has taken the role of national security adviser. Reflecting on his military strategy, Kim stated, “In the event of a provocation, we will make them pay a terrible price under the principle of punishing immediately, strongly, and until the end. If they carry out a provocation, they will face the end of their regime.”

The new defense chief also mentioned that he is open to considering all necessary measures, including the potential for South Korea’s nuclear armament, to address nuclear and missile threats from the North. This comes in a year marked by increased tensions, with North Korea having launched 37 ballistic missiles and sent thousands of propaganda-filled balloons across the border.