UN Chief Advocates for Closing AI Development Gap, Cites Risks of Global Inequity

SHANGHAI – The United Nations Secretary-General called on Tuesday for global efforts to bridge the gap in artificial intelligence (AI) development between developed and developing countries, highlighting the potential risks of increasing global inequities through unregulated AI advancements. This appeal was made during a four-day workshop aimed at building AI capacity, which saw participation from nearly 40 nations.

According to Philippines News Agency, an official statement released at the workshop co-hosted by the United Nations and China in Shanghai, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres emphasized the critical need for established safeguards to prevent AI from exacerbating inequalities and digital divides, particularly affecting vulnerable populations. “Without adequate guardrails, AI could further exacerbate inequalities and digital divides and disproportionately affect the most vulnerable,” Guterres warned. He advocated for the creation of an inclusive framework for AI governance that promotes diversity and fosters global cooperation over competition.

During his address, Guterres outlined the importance of interconnected AI centers worldwide, which could help accelerate AI development and ensure broader data diversity and inclusivity. He stated, “Interconnected AI centers across different countries and continents can accelerate the advancement of AI, promote data diversity and inclusivity, and foster cooperation rather than competition.”

The UN chief also highlighted the organization’s unique role in fostering digital cooperation and supporting the global exchange of AI models and talent, reinforcing its commitment to international collaboration in technology. Further details were shared about the efforts of his high-level advisory body on AI, which is expected to release its final report later this month. The body’s recommendations include the establishment of an AI capacity development network, a global AI fund to support sustainable development goals, and a global data framework to nurture local AI ecosystems.

The workshop, according to China’s Foreign Ministry, aims to empower countries from the Global South by deepening their understanding of AI technology’s current status and trends and helping bridge the digital divide.